10 September 2008


I have so much to say, and so little time. Guess it doesn't help that I can't type. But that's besides the point; for now at least.
I just want to say that this blog was inspired somehow by a certain friend who writes down random thoughts...
My sister assured me one day in response to my "I just don't feel pretty today" that I was beautiful on the inside... angry, but beautiful.

She's right you know. And I've been telling people that for years. No ever seems to believe me. Steven might; and I only say this because a couple weeks ago, i told him that the rental car lady was getting on my nerves, and his response was "don't hurt nobody"... Kind of funny actually, since I can't remember the last time I did physically cause someone pain. Nevertheless, his assessment was accurate. And Cassie's too. She does know, for sure.

I am angry on the inside.

This leave was supposed to be good. It was. However, certain circumstances have caused that anger to rise almost to the boiling over point. Good thing I have my sisters to vent to. The whole house thing... mom... matt... oh, just thinking about it makes me seethe! As often as I jokingly say that I'm going to punch (such and such) in the face... man, I really think that I'd feel a whole lot better if I could accomplish that goal. But I know that there are better ways of releasing one's frustration, and here we have this blog. . . secret, somewhat, yet so public.

I am angry on the inside.

Yet those with whom I work, and those who see me often tell me that they almost never see me without a smile on my face. Well, it's true I am a cheerful person... I guess that's where I have been so blessed: the cheer in my nature blances out the anger in my heart.

If I write more, I'll not get to sleep, so good night.

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