22 February 2009

Day 1

Today is our first official day of cruise... The first of many days... five months.
We're doing carrier quals for flight ops the first two days, as is usual... but oh so boring. And my right knee in particular already hurts =( Luckily however, I bought a couple sets of Dr. Scholls for-her 16-hour-workdays insoles, and let me tell you that wow there is such a huge difference. My feet hurt, but not nearly as much as they would without them. Thank goodness I got them!

Currently I am sitting at the desk in the ready room standing the ASDO watch. 2400 to 0800. So boring! I'd rather be working on the jets. However, it does give me a good opportunity to update my blog as well as write letters to my friends and family. I've also been tasked with sweeping and mopping the floor. So pretty much just stuff to keep me busy. And as soon as Lopez gets back with tommorow's flight schedule, I' ll set about writing it on the white board here.

I'm working night check which means I arrive in my shop around 1730 and leave around 0630. The days are pretty long, and there's no break, really, until we pull into port. We work monday through sunday. When we pull into port we get three or four days off, but one of those days will most certainly be a duty day. On those days, we can't leave the ship and continue to work the maintenance that has been laid out for us, as well as standing watches.

Well, I'm going to start working on that letter writing....

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